Spotlight: Asset Performance Management – Topsides Integrity

Topsides asset performance faces many challenges including operational degradation, CP and coating degradation, marine growth, fatigue, scouring, issues with cranes and so on. For the effective implementation of topsides asset integrity activities, the data synchronization between activities at various project stages is essential. The sharing of data between these activities and feeding of output of one activity as input to subsequent needs will lead to robust asset integrity management system, compared to working on these activities as standalone studies. This integrated approach helps us define performance indicators to identify degradation and other potential problems much before they happen, thus establishing the right leading indicators.

We help to reduce unplanned downtime, decrease maintenance costs, provide technical assurance that your topside assets perform its required function effectively and efficiently whilst protecting health, safety and the environment. We partner with you in ensuring that the people, systems, processes, and resources that deliver integrity are in place, in use and will perform when required over the whole life-cycle of the assets.

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