At SafeQ Services, we enable data driven decision making by applying statistical techniques like predictive modeling, machine learning algorithms and data mining. We combine both data driven and model based approaches to analyze current and historical facts to make predictions about future or otherwise unknown events. We provide predictive analytics tools, based on AI and cognitive learning algorithms that predict future conditions from actionable data, allowing adequate time to decide on a suitable solution, while reducing false positives.
Predictive Analytics Services
- Linear and Non-linear Regression
- Machine Learning
- Fault growth estimation
- Remaining Useful Life (RUL) prediction
- Prognostic and Health Management (PHM) of Machinery
- Condition Based Maintenance and Machine Diagnostics
- Predictive Maintenance
Click here to learn more on how we are applying Predictive Analytics for tools, services and solutions geared towards your industry to improve reliability of systems and safety at workplace.